What is the correct sequence for start and shutdown of Scheduler Job Management, ENF and Datacom AD?
Sequence to shutdown Scheduler and other required components started tasks:
1. Shutdown the secondary copies of Scheduler (if any). Command: F caschd,SHUTDOWN or P caschd
2. Shutdown the primary copy of Scheduler. Command: F caschd,SHUTDOWN or P caschd
3. Shutdown Datacom MUF (Multi-User Facility) used for Scheduler. Command: F datacom,EOJ
4. Shutdown Datacom MUF used for ENF. Bypass this step if internal MUF (IMUF) is used for ENF.
5. Shutdown ENF. Command: P ENF
Sequence to re-start Scheduler after changes to initialization options and/or Scheduler LMP keys:
1. Shutdown Scheduler
2. Execute program CAIRIM (CAS9) with the updated options.
3. Start Scheduler
Sequence to start Scheduler after an IPL:
1. Start Datacom MUF used for ENF. Bypass this step if internal Datacom MUF (IMUF) is used for ENF.
2. Start ENF
3. Execute program CAIRIM (CAS9) to load Scheduler initialization options.
4. Start Datacom MUF used by Scheduler
5. Start Scheduler
If ENF must be recycled, Scheduler must be shutdown prior to shutdown of ENF.
If Datacom MUF for Scheduler must be recycled, Scheduler must be shutdown prior to the Datacom MUF.
Issue console command F datacom,STATUS to check for userid or task that still logon to Scheduler