View - Security SARINIT Parameters
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View - Security SARINIT Parameters


Article ID: 135932


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Regarding the View SARINIT parameters for security:

 . When is a call made to use SECURITY=LOGON, at what poinot in the process?
 . Where are the calls made for use of OM Web Viewer, TSO, and VTAM?  
   What is the resource being used?
 . What is the use of parameter MASTER=...?


* If you have SARINIT SECURITY=LOGON, View issues RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY to verify userid and password, as soon as the user tries to get on to a View system. 

* View does not do that for TSO, as logon is provided by TSO. 

* There is no resource related to logon requests.

* On the SARINIT MASTER=... parameter:

 . SARINIT MASTER=... is used to give someone initial access to a new database. 
 . The DEF USER panel is then used to provide Master Authority to other users. In the M (Master) column, value can be changed from the default of N, to Y. 
 . Any user in the table, with Master authority, is allowed to alter the DEF USER table. 
 . SARINIT MASTER=ALL gives Master authority to all. 
 . MASTER=xxxxxxxx gives authority to the user defined by xxxxxxxx. 

SARINIT SECLIST=DEFINE is used to control what users are displayed, based upon security rules when the DEF USER command is invoked. 

MASTER authority is validated first, then external security rules are checked (if used).