After an OEBS patching ( FND cumulative fix) that did not go well, all OAPP_PGM Jobs fail when launched via Dollar Universe with Manager for Oracle Applications 6.x
The jobs are launched with a wrong number of parameters ( many more than the Program expects).
When looking in the APPS database, we observe this abnormally high and duplicated Arguments for the new Executions performed via Dollar Universe:
The following kind of error appears in the Job Log:
The request (REQUESTID) is ended with error.
The concurrent program 'PROGRAM' with request id REQUESTID ended with errors.
**SQL error and free**12-AUG-2019 00:38:12
ORACLE error 6550 in FDPSTP
Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'MAIN'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Release : 6.x
Subcomponent: Manager for Oracle Applications
Since the issue is located in OEBS, please perform the following:
Clean / Rollback the FND patches from impacted OEBS systems.
Restart the associated OEBS Application and Database.
After that Jobs should run fine.