Cannot access SOI UI page with any EEM user but "samuser" is able to access both UI Dashboard & console
EEM UI opens but when trying to login with "EiamAdmin" user, it throws an error
Also, "CA Directory" service failed to start
SOI 4.2
The cause for this problem was due to "CA Directory" service failed to start and following messages were logged into directory logs
WARN : max-local-ops has no effect
WARN : max-dsp-ops has no effect
WARN : Loading cache
WARN : Too many records beyond last sequence (36747 36740)
WARN : Disabling cache prior to exit
DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files
DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down
1) Stop EEM Services ('CA iTechnology iGateway' and 'CA Directory')
2) Move "\CA\Directory\dxserver\data\itechpoz\itechpoz.tx" file to a TEMP folder
3) Then start "CA Directory" service and then 'CA iTechnology iGateway' service