Upgrading Gen 8.0 CSE to 8.6 using Gen 8.6 CSE Configuration utility cse_config.exe
Have chosen both options "Update Encyclopedia tables to this release" and "Update Coordination tables to this release"
Receive message at "Check Password column" step:
"Error 1 running SQL Server file C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\CSE\cse_msqls\checkpswdcol.sql. See C:\ProgramData\CA\Gen 8.6\logs\CSE\pswdcol.txt for more information"
Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen Client Server Encyclopedia
The SQL script C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\CSE\cse_msqls\checkpswdcol.sql checks the data type for the Coordination Database table DIRUSER column PASSWORD (due to some historical change in that column's data type).
For this problem the file C:\ProgramData\CA\Gen 8.6\logs\CSE\pswdcol.txt contains 2 lines:
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'Userid'..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Cannot open database "Database_name" requested by the login. The login failed..
The Gen 8.0 CSE is running under a named instance of SQL Server "Server_Name\Instance_Name" and the Data Source Names are defined accordingly. Using a SQL Server named instance is not officially supported by the CSE Configuration utility:
CA GEN 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Development Platform Environments - see "CSE & Host Encyclopedia"
For Windows CSE Servers running on a 64-bit Windows operating system using a Microsoft SQL Server database, the 32-bit version of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or tools must be installed. Also, the CSE configuration utility is designed to work with a non-named SQL Server instance only.
Retested with Gen 8.0 CSE using default SQL Server instance and the "Check Password column" step problem does not occur.
It therefore appears that the call to C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\CSE\cse_msqls\checkpswdcol.sql does not support the use of a named instance syntax. That call is done in the CSE Configuration utility code (cse_config.exe) and cannot be modified.
For the purposes of upgrading the CSE from 8.0 to 8.6 the "Update Coordination tables to this release" option is not needed as there are no changes.
If re-run named instance upgrade with "Update Encyclopedia tables to this release" and "Skip Coordination tables configuration" the problem does not occur, so that can be used as a workaround if a named instance is still required to be used.