1- Open NAS probe in raw config;
2- Under “cmdbs” key, create a new key, or configure the “os_enricher” key with the following parameters:
Obs: in the above screen, at “connection_URL” value, you must point it to the UIM DB.
You must use the following syntax/examples depending on the DB in use:
Oracle -> connection_url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//###.##.##.##:1521/ORCL
MS SQL -> connection_url = jdbc:sqlserver://###.##.##.##:1433;DatabaseName=XXXX;
MYSQL -> connection_url = jdbc:mysql://###.##.##.##:3306/XXXX
3- Under “enrichment-rules”, create a new key “2” and configure it
4- Under the “2” key, create a key called “overwrite-rules”, then configure it as below. Here, we will define the message to be exhibited in the alarm. After that, click on “apply” button:
Now, the next robot inactive alarms will contain the new alarm message: