New Users Added Automatically to Users Screen in the Portal after Login
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New Users Added Automatically to Users Screen in the Portal after Login


Article ID: 135743


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)



  1. Authentication is setup in the portal to use AD/LDAP. Default Group level access not setup to give admin or tester access
  2. User A not added to the user screen
  3. User A tried to log into the portal using AD credential. User gets message:  You do not seem to have any permissions for Test Data Manager Portal. Please contact your Administrator.
  4. User A now automatically added to the User screen but without any User Group assigned.

As mentioned in the steps above any new user who tries to log into the portal gets automatically added to the portal. Below are few of my questions.

  1. I am assuming this this is a functionality of the Portal for AD group/role based access. But can we disable this feature to prevent users getting automatically added?
  2. What are the license implication? We have license for I think 20-25 named users. Will a user added to the portal but doesn't have access to any tile/functionality from the portal count towards the license use?






Test Data Manager 
TDM Web Portal


Working as designed.


Answers to your questions: 

1. I am assuming this is a functionality of the Portal for AD group/role-based access.
   But can we disable this feature to prevent users from getting automatically added? 

 This is the designed function. No, it cannot be disabled. 

2. What are the license implication? 

 None at this time. 

3. We have a license for I think 20-25 named users.
    Will a user added to the portal but doesn't have access to any tile/functionality from the portal count towards the license use? 

   Yes until the users log off.  
   HOWEVER, if more than 25 concurrent users is exceeded.
    (no degradation or denial of service happens.)