Just upgraded DevTest.
Started Portal and getting this error in the portal-grails-res-hub.log:
INFO com.itko.lisa.net.ClientBase - No response from remote server RegistryClient [an=tcp://somehostname:2010/Registry]
All supported DevTest releases.
Copied file {{DEVTEST_HOME}}/_phoenix.properties to phoenix.properties.
Edited file phoenix.properties and made these changes:
Uncomment line #registry.host=localhost, changed localhost to actualhostname
Uncomment line #reshub.hostname=localhost, changed localhost to actualhotname
Start Portal service and was able to connect to Registry.
If you happen to be using SSL and get this message:
INFO com.itko.lisa.net.ClientBase - No response from remote server RegistryClient [sn=ssl://somehostname:2010/Registry]
Add this property to the local.properties file:
Restart the Registry and Portal Services.
NOTE: Starting with DevTest 10.7.0 the above property is already defined in the lisa.properties file.