SMF Type 80 Records Cut If Dataset Is Not Opened
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SMF Type 80 Records Cut If Dataset Is Not Opened


Article ID: 135587


Updated On:


Top Secret


Summary: Is an SMF Type 80 cut if dataset is not opened?
Scenario: JCL is submitted and goes through the JES2 converter. There is a DD statement that contains DSN=ABC.DEF, but this dataset is never opened during the execution of the job.

Does Top Secret cut an SMF Type 80 record and an audit record for this dataset even if the dataset is never opened?
If the answer is "no" (by default), is there a system-level setting or parameter that can be updated to change that so an SMF Type 80 record does get cut?  The goal is to run a report that will indicate DSN=ABC.DEF was referenced in that JCL and list the ACID and the jobname on that JCL.


Release :

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


I tested the following here: //jobcard //* //ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //DD2 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)), // UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=TSO38F, // I tested with: 1) The audit attribute on the acid running the job and no LOG(ACCESS) On this test I see 3 OK+A events in the TSSUTIL report for the dataset. OK+A means it's audited. 2) LOG(ACCESS) on the batch facility and without the audit attribute on the acid running the job. With this test I see 3 OK events in the TSSUTIL for the dataset. OK means it's logged.

If LOG(SMF) is set, then Top Secret writes events to the SMF file in addition to the audit/tracking file.