aefad -z parameter within CA Gen 8.6 Transaction Enabler
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aefad -z parameter within CA Gen 8.6 Transaction Enabler


Article ID: 135527


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


We noticed that a new parameter can be set, aefad option -z, which is undocumented.

Can you please explain the -z usage?


Release : 8.6

Component : CA Gen Transaction Enabler


The '-z' parameter on the aefad is a Trace Filter that was added in the Gen r8.6 release, values are 0, 1, or 2.   

0=you get aefad and server module logs

1=you get aefad log only

2=you get server module logs only.    

Default is 0. 

This feature is not within Gen 8.5 or earlier.

This feature will be added to the Gen r8.6 documentation soon, currently 8/1/19, it is not included.