ESP150E EVENT DEFINITION SIZE EXCEEDED when the event was created
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ESP150E EVENT DEFINITION SIZE EXCEEDED when the event was created


Article ID: 135460


Updated On:


ESP Workload Automation


Received the "EVENT DEFINITION SIZE EXCEEDED" statement when a scheduler was trying to add an in-stream proc in an event definition.


Release : All Release of ESP Workoad Automation


When building an in-stream procedure within an event definition. When adding lines to an event there is a limit to the number of lines an event can hold. When exceeding this limit you receive message ESP150E EVENT DEFINITION SIZE EXCEEDED when the event is saved. 


The reason for the errors is there is limit on the number of records in an event definition. The limit is the length of event record is 32k.

The event data set is formatted with 1 record = 1 event = 32k size. Various statements within the event definition can cause the 32k to be exhausted.

Space Requirements
Events can vary in size depending on their complexity. An allocation of one cylinder accommodates roughly 350 events.
This data set contains one record for each event defined. The records consist of a fixed portion and a variable portion, depending on the actual event definition. The main items in the variable portion are
Schedule definitions (including NOSCHED definitions)
Action items (for example, procedure invocations, ESP or z/OS commands)
Event-level sensor definitions using the WOBTRIG command
Estimate the size as follows:
252 bytes
+ 120 bytes per schedule definition
+ (88 + workload object name length) bytes per WOBTRIG command
+ (8 + text length) bytes per action
+ (6 + text length) bytes per comment