Web Viewer 14.0: Use of X2YY_AFP parameter in AFP to PDF Transformation
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Web Viewer 14.0: Use of X2YY_AFP parameter in AFP to PDF Transformation


Article ID: 135406


Updated On: 07-29-2020


Output Management Web Viewer Spool


AFP reports not getting transformed to PDF as expected.


Release: 14.0


Component: Web Viewer


The cause behind this issue is the incorrect value set for X2YY_AFP parameter. For the customer, the value of this parameter was set to ALL. This parameter can have only ACIF, PAGE, LINE or ALL values depending on the level of transformation desired. The usage of these parameter values is stated in the embedded screenshot.


Changing the value of X2YY_AFP parameter to ACIF fixed the issue.

Additional Information

Because the report was ACIF and the customer had the X2YY_AFP parameter value set to "ALL" the report was transformed to PDF when it needn't have been. That's why setting the X2YY_AFP parameter value to "ACIF" resolved the issue.