Client Automation - Software Signature Inventory does not scan mount points
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Client Automation - Software Signature Inventory does not scan mount points


Article ID: 135331


Updated On:


CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Software Signature Inventory does not scan mounted points for performance reasons. It could take several hours to scan all directories and files located on a remote drive.

But in some special cases it could be necessary to scan and inventory software installed on the mount points for some machines.

How to do this ?


Release: 12.* and 14.*

Component: Client Automation - Asset Management Agent



Open a ticket at Broadcom technical Support requesting these fixes :


T55V033 for ITCM 12.5 SP1 C1 

T55V091 for ITCM 12.9 

T55V188 for ITCM 14.0 SP1

T55V190 for ITCM 14.0 SP2

T55V196 for ITCM 14.0 SP3


Install the fix on machines where mount points should be scanned by AM Software Inventory (Signature Scan) and execute this command :


ccnfcmda -cmd setparametervalue -ps itrm/common -pn mountenablescan -v 1