SOI - UIM Connector doesn't start
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SOI - UIM Connector doesn't start


Article ID: 135311


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


CA SOI - UIM Connector fail to start

ifw.log, CatalystContainer_wrapper.log doesn't have any critical exceptions and also logs will not update after a while


Release: SOI 4.0, UIM Connector 3.8.x

SOI 4.2, UIM connector 3.9.x


Component: UIM Connector


UIM Connector FQDN had changed recently but this file was not updated.  The problem was with wrong FQDN entry in "\CatalystConnector\\registry\topology\physical\<HostName>_CatalystConnector\<HostName>_CatalystConnector-config.xml"

You may notice below exception in \container\data\log\coreapi.log Error while starting Resources Provider @ http://<FQDN Host>:7000/node/resources]

ifw.log & CatalystContainer_wrapper.log may have below messages and after that the logs do not get updated.

DEBUG  [Subscriber CA_IFW_EVENTMGR_REQ] jms.JMSImpl - waiitng for notification from unsubcribe.

WARN  [Blueprint Extender: 3] catalyst.IFWProxy - general exception: null.


IFWProxy postConstruct called.

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.


1) Stop "CA Catalyst Container" service on this UIM Connector machine

2) Update below line with correct host name in "\CatalystConnector\\registry\topology\physical\<HostName>_CatalystConnector\<HostName>_CatalystConnector-config.xml" file 

<Binding> <property name="adv.address"><Correct FQDN Hostname></property> <property name="disable.ucf11">false</property> <property name="">true</property> <property name="http.port">7000</property> <property name="https.port">7443</property> <property name="server.max.threads">50</property> <property name="server.min.threads">25</property> <property name="ws.proxy.mode">https</property> </Binding>

3) Clear all files inside "\CatalystConnector\container\registry-cache" folder

4) Start "CA Catalyst Container" service on this UIM Connector machine