The MAT PMA server log APCSMLOG is over 20 million lines. What parameter controls what messages are written to the log?.
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The MAT PMA server log APCSMLOG is over 20 million lines. What parameter controls what messages are written to the log?.


Article ID: 135281


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


The Mainframe application Tuner PMA  log  APCSMLOG contains over 20 million lines of output. Is there a parameter that controls the amount of messages that are written to the log? This can impact the LPAR by running out of space on the JES spool.







The message logging parameter  that controls what messages are written to the APCSMLOG log defaults to 3.(all messages).

There is a parameter that controls what messages are written to the APCSMLOG log (MSG level for PMA SERVER log). You can set this parameter to cut down on the number of messages written to the APCSMLOG log.


0 - Only processing results are presented 

1 - Processing errors are presented.

2 - Processing errors and warnings are presented.

3. The default is 3 to output all messages


This parameter(MSG level for PMA SERVER log : 3 0-3)  can be changed using the PMA ISPF CLIST panels listed below.


PMA V10.0 PMA for MAT


 Enter an OPTION ===>


                       0 PMA Info Board

                       1 PMA Central Component

                       2 PMA CICS Feature

                       3 PMA IMS Feature

                       4 CA MAT

                       5 PMA Parameters

                       6 PMA Maintenance

                       7 PMA Server

                       X or END


Please select option 7 (7 PMA Server)    and press enter


--- PMA --- Server Component Menu --------------

 OPTION ===>


              1 Commands - Issue Server Commands

              2 Time Events - Set Time Events

              3 Time Alerts - List Time Generated Alerts

              4 Options - Set Selectable Features

              5 Spool - PMA SERVER Spooling Parameters

              6 Parameters - General PMA SERVER Parameters

              T TUTORIAL - Obtain PMA Help

              X or END - End Server Component Dialog

Next Please select option 6


 6 Parameters - General PMA SERVER Parameters

and press enter

    ------- PMA SERVER - General Parameters ----------------------------



 DSN of the library for the dynamic

 JES/SMF user-exits or "LNKLST" : LNKLST

 Calling Position of user-exits : FIRST FIRST/LAST/SYSTEM

 Additional 8 Subsystem IDs or set

 first to * to default to SYS : *


 Alert refresh interval : 0060 5-1440 minutes

 PMA SERVER runtime interval : 24 1-24 hours

 Dynamic Alert PEND interval : 1 1-7 days


 Monitor retry limit : 2 0-9 retries


 Internal reader class to submit

 job APCYJLNA by the PMA SERVER : A Internal Reader Value

 MSG level for PMA SERVER log : 3 0-3