We have created a Group Reference in the DX Netops Portal by copying a group into a different location, how do we remove it?
created a link to a group in DX Netops Portal, cannot remove please advise on how to remove those or what user we have that can
DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web UI Group is copied, pasted but can't be deleted. How to delete a Group in Portal web UI that has a link icon next to it?
For example we see here Group "Link Ref Testing" is copied. It's copy resides under the GroupTesting named Group. The copy is indicated by a link icon. It was created using the Copy Group and Paste Group options.0
When the original Group is selected we are able to use the Remove Group button. Why isn't it available for the copied group?
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web UI releases
This is functioning as designed.
A group reference is a pointer, or link, to another group.
A group reference must be removed from the originating group reference area.
It cannot be removed on it's own the same way a regular group is removed.
You can manage group references in the following ways:
Example of the Group Reference Removal option.