Are there any Top Secret CPF configuration changes that need to be made when activating CCI encryption with CPF?
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Are there any Top Secret CPF configuration changes that need to be made when activating CCI encryption with CPF?


Article ID: 135224


Updated On:


Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Switching CCI to use an encrypted from a non-encrypted connection.

Are there any changes needed in Top Secret to support an encrypted CCI connection?


Release :

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


All the changes that need to be made are on the CCI side of things.

No changes need to be made to the Top Secret CPF connection.

Top Secret doesnt change the way it behaves when switching to a CCI encrypted connection. 

 Top Secret hands off the TSS command to CCI and lets CCI transport the command to the other side. Once the handoff occurs, Top Secret is not involved in anyway during the transportation of the TSS command. Once the TSS command reaches the other side, CCI will pass the TSS command to Top Secret. 

Top Secret doesnt have any idea if an encrypted connection was used or not. All Top Secret knows is that he gave CCI a command to transport. CCI does its job and the TSS command is given back to Top Secret on the other side.