When attempting to start the Gen 8.6 Toolset (using the usual Toolset.bat under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\Gen 8.6) the product crashes and no message is received.
The Windows Event Viewer section 'Windows Logs > Applications' shows the crash for TOOLSET.EXE.
Gen Workstation Toolset
1. Attempt to start the Toolset.bat file by right-clicking and 'Run as administrator' to start the product. This would indicate a permissions/authority issue.
2. Consider an uninstall and then re-install the Toolset from scratch, then applying the the appropriate Gen PTFs.
Note regarding the 'Repair' option as a solution:
If currently installed the 'base' install (GA version) of Gen 8.6 only, try to perform a 'Repair' of the Toolset using one of these steps:
EITHER: Under 'Control Panel/Programs and Features' right click on "CA Gen 8.6' and select 'Repair'.
OR: Run the installer setup.exe and select 'Repair'. This is an attempt to resolve any corruption or registry issues.
The repair option should ONLY be used after a base (GA) install and NOT after PTFs have been installed.
Reference the Gen 8.6 Technical Documentation Installing Gen on the Windows Platform and section "Perform a Maintenance Installation"
Scenarios reported to Gen Support have found that either option 1 or 2 has resolved the problem.
1. For Gen 8.6, if Internet Explorer (IE) has been uninstalled there is a known problem with the Toolset crashing/abending which is resolved by post-WKS86300 PTF TSN86301/LU06579. Also see the page: Gen 8.6 Solutions & Patches
NOTE: Prior to TSN86301, when the Toolset started it launched IE in the background (can be seen using the Windows Task Manager "Details" tab).
2 iexplore.exe processes were started i.e. 64-bit IE ("C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe") and 32-bit IE ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe") where the 64-bit IE process was the parent of the 32-bit IE process.
The Toolset dependency on IE was historical for being able to access local Toolset help files. The help is now linked directly to Gen 8.6 techdocs pages, so TSN86301 removed that IE dependency and fixed the crash problem when IE was not installed.
2. If the problem persists capture the full TOOLSET.EXE error/stack trace details from the Windows Event Viewer section 'Windows Logs > Applications' and open a case using the Broadcom Support Portal.