SPC-OCP-100085 error starting the Spectrum Control Panel (SCP) on Windows
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SPC-OCP-100085 error starting the Spectrum Control Panel (SCP) on Windows


Article ID: 135080


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


When trying to launch the Spectrum Control panel, the following error may show:


SPC-OCP-100085: The connection was refused by the Process Daemon on spectrum. 

Either this host or the user running the SPECTRUM CONTROL PANEL does not have .hostrc permission or the user is not a valid user on host spectrum.


Release : Any Spectrum release running on Windows

Component : Spectrum Control Panel (SCP)


If starting the Control Panel from one Spectrum system and connecting to another, verify the hostname of the system where you are starting the SCP is in the $SPECROOT/.hostrc of the system you are connecting to.


Verify you are logged into the Windows system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation. Note that while windows is case insensitive, Spectrum is case sensitive. For example, you are logging into the system as user "spectrum" and the user that owns the Spectrum installation is user "spectrum" the SCP will not launch as that does not match. 


This could be an issue with processd. Try restarting processd by either

1.  Restarting the Spectrum Process Daemon in the Windows Services


2.  From command line:

    1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

    2. Start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

    3. cd to the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM directory and enter the following command:

./processd.pl restart


This could also be an issue with the Location Server. Try restarting the Location Server by ending the task using the Windows Task Manager. The Spectrum processd process will start a new one.