missing --> oneclick508-sdnmgr-iconbase-config.xml
SPC-OCC-10243: The XML file: oneclick508-sdnmgr-iconbase-config.xml was not found. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the issue, then restart this client.
Config file oneclick508-sdnmgr-iconbase-config.xml was not found
Release : 22.2.x
Component : Spectrum OneClick Server
This is a known bug with the "Accessibility" Icon theme in OneClick and OneClick WebApp
The fix is to not use accessibility icons, or do the following to fix it:
Edit the sdn-app-config.xml file ($SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/sdn/config)
Edit this section:
<on-page idref="oneclick508-sdnmgr-iconbase-config"/>
<off-page idref="oneclick508-node-oprbase-config"/>
<enumerated-cellicon idref="sdnmgr-cellicon-config"/>
Make it look like this:
<on-page idref="oneclick-sdnmgr-iconbase-config"/>
<off-page idref="oneclick-node-oprbase-config"/>
<enumerated-cellicon idref="sdnmgr-cellicon-config"/>
Icon Themes are accessed from the View Menu -> Icon Theme