How to check which version of CA Librarian you are running?
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How to check which version of CA Librarian you are running?


Article ID: 135065


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How to check to see which version of CA Librarian is active?


Release : All

Component : CA Librarian


There is several ways to check the version of Librarian, please do as follows:

1 - From Librarian Load library:
--> Display Librarian libraries
----> From the list of Librarian libraries
------ if the last qualifier of the load library is CALJLINK, then the version is 4.4, if the last qualifier of the library is CAILIB, the version is 4.3
-----> Browse the load library content
------ Select member LVS4500, the information gives the Date, version and Gen Level.

2 - From Librarian interface:
--> Start Librarian Clist.
---> From panel "CA-LIBRARIAN SELECTION MENU" the version is on the top left of panel "LIBRARIAN 4.4", this is the info for Librarian 4.4
----- Information "COPYRIGHT (C) 1989, 2010 CA." should be displayed on this panel, this is the copyright for Librarian 4.4
---> From panel "CA-LIBRARIAN SELECTION MENU", Enter command "TSO ISRDDN"
----- Enter command "LOAD LVS4500", if the last qualifier of the library is CALJLINK, the version is 4.4, if the last qualifier of the library is CAILIB, the version is 4.3
----- Hit "Enter" to display content of LVS4500, the information gives the Date, version and Gen Level.

Note; The 2nd ways allows to confirm the version used.