Is there's a way to disable Analytics from Identity Portal?
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Is there's a way to disable Analytics from Identity Portal?


Article ID: 135026


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Is it possible to remove Analytics from the Identity Portal console?



Release : 14.3, 14.4

Component : Identity Portal (Identity Management Suite)


If you are just interested in disabling a users access to the Analytics feature:


Login to the Portal Management Console

click on the Elements menu

From the left panel, under Environments, select Profiles

Under the Features tab uncheck the Analytics option

Check the Analytics option in each Profile you may have.


This will remove the Analytics icon from being displayed on a user or group of users Portal.


If you are interested in disabling Analytics for the entire environment:
Log into the Portal Portal Management Console

Click SETUP menu

From the left panel, select General Configuration

Select Analytics - Uncheck Enable analytics


This will disable the Analytic collection for the entire Portal environment.