Fast data masker is not reading the correct table name from DB2 z/OS catalog, also these columns do not exist.
>2019-07-18 14:02:07.852 Error occurred while fetching the encoding of the columns.
>2019-07-18 14:02:07.854 DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=SYSIBM.COLUMNS, DRIVER=3.58.82
>2019-07-18 14:02:07.855 SQL:select column_name, character_set_name from SYSIBM.COLUMNS where table_name='PANTEST' and table_schema='ETO'
Test Data Manager
Fast Data Masker
You CANNOT use FDM to perform masking against DB2 for z/OS, you can only use the mainframe toolkit to perform those actions.
If you want to remain in the Windows environment, then you need to install Brightside and use a PowerShell script to accomplish the masking job calling the mainframe executables