After upgrade, we have a warning about invalid NSQL queries, is this something that could impact our upgrade?
You must correct invalid NSQL queries.
Release: All Supported Clarity releases
NSQL queries are invalid - reason:
With every new Clarity version the database schema is changing, some views are getting modified, some deprecated. It is expected to have some differences
The checkinstall will check if there is NSQL that relies on database objects that are no longer there
This is not a blocking error or something that will fail your upgrade, it's just a warning message after the upgrade for your information
How to address each reported NSQL:
All Addin NSQL queries will be updated when you update the add-in. Example (PMO Accelerator). You must apply PMO accelerator to get CSK / COP/ PMO NSQL to be valid
All custom queries you will have to update yourself with the new schema changes.
All deprecated queries warning you can ignore
How to find out precisely if/where these NSQL queries are used inside the application?
We recommend keeping a document file with all customizations, and where and how they are used so you are always aware what is going on.
Please use the query to find the portlet names (replace with query code when appropriate, this query returns Graph and Grid portlets)
select p.portlet_code as portlet_code, as portlet_name, gg.query_code as nsql_code, 'grid' as portlet_type from cmn_portlets p join cmn_captions_nls n on n.language_code = 'en' and n.table_name = 'CMN_PORTLETS' and n.pk_id = join cmn_grids g on = g.portlet_id join cmn_gg_nsql_queries gg on gg.cmn_nsql_queries_id = g.dal_id and g.dal_type = 'nsql' and g.principal_type = 'SYSTEM' join cmn_nsql_queries q on gg.cmn_nsql_queries_id = and gg.query_code =' your query ID'-----replace your query id here union all select p.portlet_code as portlet_code, as portlet_name, gg.query_code as nsql_code, 'graph' as portlet_type from cmn_portlets p join cmn_captions_nls n on n.language_code = 'en' and n.table_name = 'CMN_PORTLETS' and n.pk_id = join cmn_graphs g on = g.portlet_id join cmn_gg_nsql_queries gg on gg.cmn_nsql_queries_id = g.dal_id and g.dal_type = 'nsql' and g.principal_type = 'SYSTEM' join cmn_nsql_queries q on gg.cmn_nsql_queries_id = and gg.query_code ='your query ID' -----replace your query id here
With the portlet name you should be able to find the portlets and see if you actually need them.
Custom NSQL queries - use in Clarity and impacts
The below applies only to custom NSQL queries
Custom NSQL queries in the Administration - Queries list are only used in grid, graph portlets and also in wsdl calls if you have an outside application accessing Clarity.
In very rare cases they may be used in GEL scripts for custom processes - this is extremely rare occurrence
Any custom NSQL that is no longer in use or deprecated portlets can be safely removed
You can delete the custom portlet and custom NSQL accordingly to ensure this warning no longer comes up after upgrade
Leaving them as they are is also safe, even if invalid. The impact will be that if a custom portlet is reused, it may not work and may show an error
Note that anything you choose to leave as invalid may come up again during your next upgrade