z/OS 2.3 has a new JCL parameter EMAIL=. How does ACF2 support that feature?
Release : z/OS 2.3
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS 16.0
The WORKATTR profile record has a new field added with the z/OS 2.3 support. Here is an example:
INSERT JDOE WAEMAIL([email protected])
NOTE: the case of the e-mail field is important. If using batch JCL in the jobcard, and you code EMAIL=(email@address) then uppercase must be used. If you code EMAIL='email@address' , then JES2 allows lower case.
Example of the EMAIL parameter:
//TEST JOB EMAIL='[email protected]'
This statement identifies the user that is submitting this job as the user ID that is associated with the
email address of 'user001.user@@xxxxxxxx.ccc'.
IBM Documentation: z/OS Version 2 Release 3 MVS JCL Reference
EMAIL parameter
Parameter type
Keyword, optional
Code the EMAIL parameter to identify to the system the person submitting the job. The email address that is specified for this parameter is used to extract user ID from a security database. If system cannot identify user ID that is associated with the email address, the job fails with a JCL error.
ACF2 Documentation: WORKATTR Profile Data Records