z/VM Version 6 Release 4.0 Service level 1901 (64-bit)
CA VM:secure Version 3.2 RSU 1801
Need to establish Password Encryption and need required PTF's if any.
We already have the RULES facility up and running.
Release : 3.2
Component : CA VM:Secure for z/VM
VM:Secure offers Password Encryption Facility (PEF). Before you install PEF, the Rules Facility must be installed and running, otherwise the encryption utility will fail. Additionally, enhancement PTF RO98655 (and corrective PTF RO99502) added support for the SHA-2 Standard, SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash, LOGON password encryption to the CA VM:Secure 3.2 Password Encryption Facility (PEF).
Both RO98655 and RO99502 are included in RSU-1801.
See VM:Secure's Rules doc, Installing PEF, for more information at: