OPS/MVS - OPS5005S ABEND X'000C1000' After Applying Maintenance
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OPS/MVS - OPS5005S ABEND X'000C1000' After Applying Maintenance


Article ID: 134349


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


We installed the latest maintenance to OPS/MVS  and are now getting errors when OPS is started.  It comes up, but appears to get an error when SSMBEGIN starts.  OPS stays up and AOF seems to be working but SSM is having issues.  OPS did take an SVC dump when it got the abend.  This is on a test system, no significant business impact.

Here is a snippet of the messages showing the error:

10:30:26 02JUL OPS1000O SSMBEGIN PROCESS INITIATED                             
10:30:26 02JUL OPS1000O INITIATE SSMSYNCH PROCESS                              
10:30:26 02JUL OPS9998I OPSWEB REGION IS NOT ACTIVE                            
10:30:26 02JUL OPS3724O TSO REQ.SSMBEGIN Sent CMD=OI SSMSYNCH                  
10:30:26 02JUL OPS3092O OI SSMSYNCH                                            
10:30:26 02JUL IEA045I AN SVC DUMP HAS STARTED AT TIME=10.30.26 DATE=07/02/2019
10:30:26 02JUL FOR ASID (003F)                                                 
10:30:26 02JUL ERROR ID = SEQ00534 CPU00 ASID003F TIME10.30.26.0               
10:30:26 02JUL QUIESCE = NO                                                    
10:30:26 02JUL CAHCK    Status: NORMAL Reason: OK                              
10:30:26 02JUL OPS3092O SSMSYNCH PROCESSING INITIATED                          
10:30:26 02JUL OPS1290H OPSOSF   STATEMAN             PASSIVE                  
10:30:26 02JUL OPS5005S ABEND X'000C1000' in subtask exit OPSYSTZS+X'E5BC0002' 
10:30:26 02JUL OPS9990I CA OPS/MVS ABEND 0C1000 detected at OPSYSTZS+E5BC0002  
10:30:26 02JUL IEA794I SVC DUMP HAS CAPTURED:                                  
10:30:26 02JUL DUMPID=002 REQUESTED BY JOB (OPSMAIN )                          
10:30:26 02JUL DUMP TITLE=OPS/MVS SVC DUMP                                     


OPS/MVS  All releases


 A module was not updated when the maintenance was applied.   In this case OPSAEX was not updated.   


Module OPSAEX did not get updated as expected.   Review the SMP/e jobs, as well as any hold doc, for errors and correct.