Converting PDSMAN maintenance agreement from SDA Australia to Broadcom.
Under SDA, the license key code i s specified in the PRODUCTCODE= parm in the PDSMINIT member but Broadcom licensing is managed by LMP keys.
Does the PRODUCTCODE= parm need to be removed from the PDSMINIT member?Release : 7.7
Component : Broadcom-PDSMAN
New format for keys using Common Services r15.0
The PRODUCTCODE= parm in the PDSMINIT member is no longer needed under Broadcom licensing and should be removed.
Broadcom licensing of the product is performed by installing SITE and LMP keys with CAIRIM.
To install new LMP keys rerun CAIRIM with the PARMLIB and AUTOCMDS DD statements set to DUMMY.
The SITE card needs to be the first card in the KEYS member followed by the LMP keys. Any existing LMP keys with CPUID will still work with the SITE card.
Up to 7 LMP keys will be provided for PDSMAN for different product options:
See the Common Services r15.0 Documentation detailing loading product license keys.