Basic xendesktop/xenserver probe questions
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Basic xendesktop/xenserver probe questions


Article ID: 134123


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


  • The xendesktop probe is the probe that we should be using to monitor our xenapp citrix servers and xendesktop instances because we are running version 7.x?
  • The probe can be installed (like the vmware probe) on a remote machine and not locally on the citrix xenapp server?


  • Release: 9.0.2 or later
  • Component : UIM - XENDESKTOP


Q: The xendesktop probe is the probe that I should be using to monitor xenapp citrix servers AND xendesktop instances because when we are running Xenapp Servers version 7.x

A: Correct.

If the version of your Citrix XenApp Server is later than 7.0, you must use xendesktop probe for monitoring, not the xenapp probe. For more information, see xendesktop (XenDesktop Monitoring).


Q:The probe can be installed (like the vmware probe) on a remote machine and not locally on the citrix xenapp server?

A: Correct.

The probe can be installed locally OR remotely. If you want the probe to remotely access the XenDesktop server, ensure that you have configured WinRM. For more information, see xendesktop Preconfiguration Requirements. The probe can monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop versions 7.5, 7.6, 7.8, 7.13, 7.15 and 7.17 deployed on Windows 2008R2 and later.