In Output Management Web Viewer 12.1, we are evaluating our sysouts. We use one View® db to store our JCL and reports. We use the sysout selection list panels filters to control if we see JCL or reports as our JCL output uses FORMS=JCL, and reports use something else.
We want to know how we can do this same type of filtering for a sysout's FORM value within OM Web Viewer. I don't see FORMS as a column available to me to add within the List Layout panel within the Repository properties tab, but wanted to check to see if any other options were available.
If this isn't something available with 12.1, is this available with Output Management Web Viewer 14.0?
"Forms" is not a column that may be included in a 12.1 OM Web Viewer reports list. It is, however, available in OM Web Viewer 14.0