Oracle Table Analyze job taking hours to complete
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Oracle Table Analyze job taking hours to complete


Article ID: 133633


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Oracle Table Analyze job is taking too long, it's taking hours, although it is scheduled to run during off-peak hours. 


  • The Oracle Table Analyze job is simply an interface with which Clarity PPM calls Oracle database statistics.
  • If the job is taking long time, this would mean that the database statistics run for long time.
  • This is not a Clarity product issue, and our recommendation is to work with your DBA to see what they think the root cause for this is (they can run AWR report for the time of execution and review it). 
  • If DBA find that they would prefer running statistics in a different way, and not run the Oracle Table Analyze job from Clarity, this is completely supported, just make sure that they gather all the stats for Clarity schema.