CA Client Automation - How to change the location of the Job Output Folder?
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CA Client Automation - How to change the location of the Job Output Folder?


Article ID: 133614


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


The drive where the Job output is written is getting filled. How to change the location of the Job Output Folder?


Release : 12.9, 14.0, 14.0 SP1, 14.0 SP2

Component : 12.9, 14.0, 14.0 SP1, 14.0 SP2


The command to check the current location of the 'Output' folder is:

ccnfcmda -cmd getparametervalue -ps itrm/usd/shared -pn outgoing

The command to change the location is: 

ccnfcmda -cmd setparametervalue -ps itrm/usd/shared -pn outgoing -v "<Folder>

Ex: ccnfcmda -cmd setparametervalue -ps itrm/usd/shared -pn outgoing -v "G:\Out"