TPX Panel TEN1003 change required for GT 8 character Password implementation.
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TPX Panel TEN1003 change required for GT 8 character Password implementation.


Article ID: 133593


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TPX - Session Management


There a business need to expand our password length from current 8 characters to either 15 or 16 characters. 
However, in looking at the TEN1003 panel that is needed for password phrasing, I see that password and new password are both two lines in the panel.

The logon panel is highly customized to contain a substantial legal disclaimer on the screen. 
This causes us to use every line on the screen, leaving only ZINCOMP1 and 2 blank. 
The change requires 4 lines for password and new password variable fields. There is not enough real-estate and does not appear possible. 

Is it possible to only use one line each for password and new password on this panel, knowing we are only concerned with a longer password, and not passphrase ?


Release : 5.4

Component : CA-TPX for OS/390


Customize TEN1003 panel, but save it as UEN1003, leaving the default TEN1003 in place.

The "U" signifies that it is a User Panel.
In addition, the SMRT needs to reflect the logo panel of UEN1003 not TEN1003.

You can limit both SNPSWDV and SNNPDWDV variable fields on the panel, and can eliminate variable fields SNPSWDV2 and SNNPSWD2.
Both SNPSWDV2 and SNNPSWD2 will be set to blanks internally.