Getting incorrect panels in Data Query
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Getting incorrect panels in Data Query


Article ID: 133525


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Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


User is logging into Data Query and the screens and commands are not in sync.  The commands don't match up with the options on the panels.  User has provided screen prints of the User Table Maintenance screen and corruption of the data is showing on the screen.  The user has stated this is related to the DQM table.  The user would like to copy the DQM from another MUF  and load it in to the table that appears to be corrupted.  Is this feasible?


Datacom/DB Release : 15.0

Component :  Data Query.


Most likely happening after an error during Upgrade.


- You could follow all the steps from *.CABDSAMP(BDUPG06B). That will load the DQM file from the Installation file *.CABDDATV(BAS03DQM). That will recreate the DQM area from installation.

- If you really want to load the DQM area from another environment then you will have to UNLOAD the DQM area for that environment using DQLANGMT and input that file into the STEP6BD for the same BDUPG06B (in the existing environment). In STEP6BC will replace *.CABDDATV(BAS03DQM) by that Unloaded DQM file. That will recreate the DQM area from another environment.

More information on DQM and DQLANGMT (UNLOAD, LOAD..) is found here

CABDSAMP(BDUPG06B) member should help in restoring the DQM area.

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