SOI - No alarms are getting generated
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SOI - No alarms are getting generated


Article ID: 133399


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


After restarting SOI services on the SOI manager, SOIUI and on all connector machine no new alert's are appearing on the SOI console


Release :

Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager 4.2


The activeMQ files were backed up in CA\SOI\apache-activemq\data\kahadb. Some of the files were two month old. The SOI\tomcat\temp folder also had more that 600 files and lot of the xml files with CI details waiting to be processed by SOI manager. All this happened due to starting all SOI service at the same time which caused all data from all connector's to be published to SOI at the same time creating the backup files in activeMQ.  


- Stopped all SOI service on all connector's, SOI manager and SOIUI 


Stop all SOI services on Windows using command line
- This will stop all services in one go.

C:\Users\Administrator>cd ..
C:\Users>cd ..
C:>cd 86
C:\Program Files (x86)>cd ca
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA>cd soi
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI>cd tools
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\Tools>soitoolbox --stopAllServices


 - Deleted files from SOI\tomcat\temp and CA\SOI\apache-activemq\data\kahadb folder's 

 - On SOI manager started SOI Application, MQ and UCF Broker services

 - Opened http://:7090/sam/debug and click Triage Tests, made sure the server application startup showed completed 

 - Started the remaining services on the SOI manager 

 - Started SOIUI 

 - Started one connector at a time.