CA-View - V14 Installation
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CA-View - V14 Installation


Article ID: 133347


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Deliver View


The client will be replacing ARF with CA View, installing CA View 14.0. 


 . Is the output routed to CA View based on the output class?

 . With 4 LPARs in a parallel sysplex, can they I create a single CA-View database instance for the entire sysplex and route the output from all the LPARs to the production LPAR?

 . If the sysout is to be routed to a single LPAR, then should there be a View SARSTC task on each LPAR or single LPAR?

 . What size would be best for the View database?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View



 . Sysout is routed to CA View by several methods: 

 . . The SARSTC task: Sysout is collected from the JES spool based on class, destination, and form.

 . . Collection can be from STCs, JOBs, and TSUs. 

 . . The SARFSS task: Sysout, generally AFP or PDF reports, is collected from the JES spool generally based on class, destination, form, prmode, and other criteria as allowed via a virtual printer definition.

 . . In the virtual printer definition, you can go beyond Class, Destination, and Form, regarding what can be defined to WS=(.../...). 

 . . A CA Deliver RMOSTC task: Sysout can be written directly to the View database via Deliver

 . . Sysout can be sent to the JES spool, meant for View, based on class, destination, and form.

 . . Processing is based on a jobname, including sending it directly to the View database. 

 .  From multiple LPARs, there can be one View database (with one SARSTC task), and collection can take place so long as the LPARS share catalog and JES spool. 

 . As View is a one-database, one-task product, sysout can be routed to a single LPAR, again, so long as the JES spool is shared among the LPARs. 

   If the JES spool is not shared, then there should be a View database and SARSTC task per LPAR. 

   If there will be a single LPAR, then that LPAR should have a View database and SARSTC task. 


 . There is no rule-of-thumb regarding how large a View database should be. 

   If the database is to have many large reports, then you would more data space than index space. 

   If the database has many small reports, then you would probably need more index space than data space. 

   Note: Space can be added to a View database "on the fly", as needed.