Spectrum Secure Domain Connector (SDC) silent install support for TrapX
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Spectrum Secure Domain Connector (SDC) silent install support for TrapX


Article ID: 133334


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Spectrum 10.3.2 introduced "SDC TrapX Support" for the Secure Domain Connector". During a GUI installation of SDC, there is a screen that appears where the user can check the "Enable TrapX" check box to install the trap support. However, there are no instructions on how to enable the Trap Exploder support when running a silent installation of SDC.


Release : Spectrum 10.3.2 and greater

Component : Secure Domain Manager/Connector / TrapX


Use the following instructions run a silent installation of SDC with TrapX support:

  • Log into the system where you are going to install TrapX as the root user or sudo to the root user
  • Copy the install media to the system where you are going to install TrapX and un-compress/un-tar the install media file
  • From the directory where you un-compress/un-tar the install media file, cd to the sdmc/linux directory
  • Enter the following command

 ./install.bin -i Silent -DTRAPX_ENABLE=true

This will install the TrapX in the /opt/CA/SDMConnector directory. 

If you wish to have TrapX installed in a different directory, run the following command: 

./install.bin -i Silent -DTRAPX_ENABLE=true -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR="/app/spectrum"

This will install the TrapX in the /app/spectrum directory. 

NOTE: The above instructions are for Linux. If on Windows, the install.bin will be located in the sdmc/windows directory.

Additional Information

To verify that the SDC is performing as the Trap Exploder, verify there is a file named SDC.env in the bin directory in the installation area (default is /opt/CA/SDMConnector/bin/SDC.env).

In this file, the following is needed: