How does the Spectrum 0x10968 event get generated?
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How does the Spectrum 0x10968 event get generated?


Article ID: 133329


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CA Spectrum


How does the Spectrum 0x10968 event get generated?


{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - Device {m} of type {t} will no longer alarm when another device with a duplicate MAC and IP is detected. (event [{e}]) 


Release : Any version of Spectrum

Component : Spectrum Alarm & Event Management


This event is generated when the NeedDuplicateIPDiffMAC attribute id 0x11ce0 is set to "No" on the model. This event applies only to the "DUPLICATE MODEL DETECTED" and "DUPLICATE MAC MODEL DETECTED" alarms on the device where the NeedDuplicateIPDiffMAC attribute id 0x11ce0 is set to "No". 

There is also the NeedDuplicateMACDiffIP attribute id 0x11ce2 that when set to No will assert the 0x10966 event. This event applies only to the "DUPLICATE MAC WITH DIFFERENT IP DETECTED" alarm on the device where the NeedDuplicateMACDiffIP attribute id 0x11ce2 is set to "No".