Gen CICS server exit TIRELOGX not called after DB2 deadlock
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Gen CICS server exit TIRELOGX not called after DB2 deadlock


Article ID: 132973


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


Can there be cases in Gen applications e.g. deadlocks in DB2, where the CICS Server Manager (via TIRERR) is not calling TIRELOGX?
Seeing deadlocks but no logging from the customized user exit TIRELOGX.
For other DB2 errors e.g. "-803" etc. can get logs from TIRELOGX. 
Have not set any deadlock/timeout in the Gen action diagram code and therefore using Gen's default behavior.


Release : 8.5  8.6

Component : Gen Run Time, Distributed, Gen Host Encyclopedia


Gen does not call the TIRELOGX when a deadlock is encountered.
When a Gen CICS application encounters a deadlock, the default behavior when TRANSACTION RETRY LIMIT is not set in the action diagram is to retry 10 times before returning a message to the client indicating there was a deadlock.
The processing that does this does not call the TIRELOGX user exit until that limit has been reached because the call to the exit is not within the retry loop. This is the way it was designed.
The default TRANSACTION RETRY LIMIT can be changed in the CICS Server Default Retry Limit Exit (TIRSRTRX) but if set in the action diagram then that value overrides.

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