MSP: Reconnecting to Clarity after a timeout
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MSP: Reconnecting to Clarity after a timeout


Article ID: 132932


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When using Microsoft Project (MSP), the connection to Clarity will eventually time out due to various timeout settings. When this occurs, you will be prompted to enter a username and password in the login popup in MSP in order to reconnect to Clarity. However, if using SSO, your login credentials may not be accepted.

Since you are unable to re-establish the connection to Clarity, you are then unable to save the project back to Clarity and the updates made will need to be redone. 


Release : All Supported Releases



Use the following steps in order to re-establish the connection between MSP and Clarity (due to a timeout in SSO or Clarity). This will allow the changes that have been made to the project in Microsoft Project to be saved back to Clarity. 

  1. Save the project locally on the Desktop (or anywhere else, except under My Documents) with the same file name that it currently has 
  2. Close the project in MSP 
  3. From the browser, export the same project (or any project) to MSP to establish the connection between Clarity and MSP 
  4. Close the project in MSP that was opened in Step 3, while leaving the MSP window still open. 
  5. In MSP, go to File - Open and select the project saved locally on Step 1 
  6. On the CA PPM Integration toolbar, click on Save to save this copy with the updates back to Clarity