Scheduler Job Management: can a schedule with Non-Executable=YES still be backlogged?
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Scheduler Job Management: can a schedule with Non-Executable=YES still be backlogged?


Article ID: 132911


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Scheduler Job Management


If a schedule is set to NO-EXEC, can it still indicate backlogged? 

Do we also need to set the jobs in these schedules to BACKLOG = NO?



A schedule defined with Non-Executable=YES and BACKLOG=YES will be backlogged if the schedule is not completed by the next AUTOSCAN. 

The jobs in this schedule do not need to have BACKLOG set to YES. By leaving the BACKLOG field blanks at the job level, the schedule's BACKLOG option will be used.

If you do not wish to backlog the schedule, set BACKLOG=NO in the schedule's definition, and leave the BACKLOG field blanks in the job's definition.

Additional Information

When using NO-EXEC (i.e., ,Non-Executable = Yes):

- Jobs are not submitted, but still wait for early start time, predecessors, virtual resources, etc.

- When the jobs complete, the return code is NOEX  (RC=NOEX).