Usage of Copycat and OS/catalog - Security.
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Usage of Copycat and OS/catalog - Security.


Article ID: 132836


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TLMS Tape Management


We are doing thousands of filecopy Copycats to clear data off a volume range. We have high profile datasets that trigger a report when Copycat uncatalogs the old volume. Our applications are getting an alert each time a dataset is uncataloged, is there a way that we can avoid this or a different process we can use with Copycat to accomplish the same results ? I realize this is not a Copycat problem, just looking for some guidance.


TLMS 12.6


Think of Copycat as a rich man's IEBGENER.

Copycat gets the base volser in the SYSIN and proceed to copy all files/volumes by reading the chain within TLMS. It will also uncatalog the input volumes and re-catalog to the new output volumes.

Most of the SAF security calls are made via the standard IBM open and close. Copycat opens the volumes as a normal IBM open thus TLMS or the security system makes the SAF(security call) to verify the access for the user that submitted the job.

Input volume: TLMS/Security System checks that the user has READ access to all DSN's on volume. Copycat will also issue a IBM catalog locate call(SVC 26) to see if the DSN is cataloged to that volume. Copycat will also UNCATALOG the DSN/VOLUME if specified via the Copycat options.

Output volume: TLMS/Security System issues a SAF call to check that the user can CREATE the DSN for the new volume.

At the end of the job, Copycat will UNCATALOG the input and re-catalog to the new DSN/VOLUME. Again, we are calling the IBM catalog locate to ALTER the OS catalog entry for the new volume and DSN.

Copycat will also update TLMS with the information on the newly created volume(Copycat SAVEINFO option). The ALTER updates are the SMF 61/65 records that is coming from the SVC 26/Catalog locate. TLMS/Security System will do a check for each file that is opened for input and output. So the USER that is submitting the job will need to have both READ and CREATE/UPDATE access within the security system.