How can a job be restarted outside of CA 11
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How can a job be restarted outside of CA 11


Article ID: 132774


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How can a job be restarted outside of CA 11?


Component: 11


    Typically when a job abends and needs to be restarted, the restart should occur under CA 11's control.  If there is a need to perform the restart
outside of CA 11, then an IBM OS restart can be performed.  This can be done by using the RESTART parameter on the jobcard to indicate the
desired step to restart the job from. In order for CA 11 to track  how the OS restart completes TRKRMS=NO would have to be specified in the config
file.   If the OS restart completes successfully and TRKRMS=NO is not specified you will need to manually update the CMT to set the job back to 'P'
status in CA 11.

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers if you have further questions.