data engine error - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
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data engine error - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host


Article ID: 132622


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


data_engine error thrown in UIM 9.0.2 GA - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


- UIM 9.0.2 GA 
- MS SQL Server 2016 
- Database named instance with custom port 

MS SQL Server 2016 Cumulative Update has been applied.
KB4488536 - Cumulative Update 6 for SQL Server 2016 SP2


- Environmental


Deploy data_engine v9.0.2 HF4.

In this build,  development introduced a configuration parameter that specifies the list of errors that data engine will ignore. If any exception occurs during the insert or commit operation, data engine looks up the exception in the error list. If the exception is found, it will read the configuration parameter that specifies how long data engine has to wait before raising an alarm, hoping the problem will be resolved during this period. After the timeout, it will ping the database server to see if it's responding. If the server responds, alarm is not raised. If the ping fails, then data engine assumes the database server is not reachable and hence it raises the alarm. 

1. Deactivate data_engine 

2. In the data_engine.cfg file under the <setup> section enter/adjust the following: 

command_timeout = 300 

timeout_before_raising_alarm = 60 

ignore_errors_list = Invalid character value for cast specification|Unspecified error|An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host|Communication link failure|Connection failure|General network error|SHUTDOWN is in progress 

3. Activate data_engine