Some of the services failing to start after upgrading SOI to 4.2
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Some of the services failing to start after upgrading SOI to 4.2


Article ID: 132544


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


After upgrading SOI in MS cluster to 4.2 the services SOI Event management, SOI integration service and SOI MQ service wouldn't start.


Release: SAMBDL99000-4.2-Spectrum-Service Assurance Manager-Promotional Bundle


Upgrade misconfigured activemq.xml and Some of the values in these files were wiped out


- Edited \CA\SOI\apache-activemq\conf\activemq.xml file and found the section for 
  <transportConnectors> had missing host names. Client had a backup of the caifwmq.xml from 4.0, copied and replaced the entire section between <transportConnectors> ---- </transportConnectors>

- SOI Integration service wouldn't start because it had the missing jms port 61616 in CA\SOI\tomcat\lib\ Edite the file and added the port number

- Since SOI was installed in MS cluster the path to the kahadb folder in CA\SOI\apache-activemq\conf\activemq.xml should be pointing to the shared drive but it was pointing to the local drive instead,                changed it to shared drive.

Additional Information

The following error in CA\SOI\apache-activemq\data\wrapper.log lead to the solution 
"Loading message broker from: xbean:activemq.xml 
ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to execute start task. Reason: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - call 'refresh' 
before accessing beans via the ApplicationContext"