About the effective time of the ASCSIGN parameter
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About the effective time of the ASCSIGN parameter


Article ID: 132512


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Easytrieve Report Generator


According to the current Easytrieve R11.6 User Guide, it seems that the ASCSIGN parameter can be changed at a compile-time and an execution-time. In the "Updating the Table" in the current User Guide, the ASCSIGN parameter is marked at both "Effective at Compile Time" and "Effective at Execution Time".
However, it seems that the ASCSIGN parameter can't be specified in a PARM statement. (In the Language Reference manual, the ASCSIGN parameter is not described as one of the parameters for the PARM statement.)

According to the current Easytrieve R11.6 User Guide, it seems that the ASCSIGN parameter can be changed at a compile-time and an execution-time. In the "Updating the Table" in the current User Guide, the ASCSIGN parameter is marked at both "Effective at Compile Time" and "Effective at Execution Time".
And the following is described in the same User Gudie for the "Effective at Compile Time" and "Effective at Execution Time".
Changes to options become effective at different times when executing previously compiled programs.
Options marked with CT (compile time) become effective at the time the program is compiled. Previously compiled programs are affected by a change in the option only when it is recompiled.
Note: Options marked with ET (execution time) become effective for subsequent executions of CA Easytrieve Report Generator programs. You can only change ET options that the PARM statement overrode at compilation by updating the PARM statement and recompiling. For more information about options and when changes to each option become effective (compile or execution time), see Alphabetical Listing of Options in this chapter.

However, it seems that the ASCSIGN parameter can't be specified in a PARM statement. (In the Language Reference manual, the ASCSIGN parameter is not described as one of the parameters for the PARM statement.)

Can the ASCSIGN parameter be realy changed at execution time? If it can be changed at execution time, how should it be done to change?


Easytrieve R11.0, Easytrieve R11.6, R11.0, R11.6, UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS, AIX, HP,


The value for the ASCSIGN parameter can't be changed at execution time. This is a compile-time option. This value can't be overridden  during program execution.
The only way to change this is to change the ASCSIGN parameter in the EZOPTBL by running ETOPLOAD and then re-compile the application.

The manual statements which were modified have been modified correctly.

Additional Information

The manual statements were modified have been modified correctly.
* Compiler Options - Removed "and an execution-time" from the second paragraph of the ASCSIGN - Zoned Numeric Sign definition. This matches similar compile-time only definitions on the page. If a PARM statement can be used with a statement, it is stated in the option definition. For example, see DMAP.
* Updating the Table, ASCSIGN - Removed the X in the Execution time column in the Alphabetical Listing of Options table. The third sentence in that section states the recompilation requirement for compile-time options.