CA View and Deliver - How to Suppress the Printing of a Banner Page?
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CA View and Deliver - How to Suppress the Printing of a Banner Page?


Article ID: 132369


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Deliver View


In trying to reduce the use of paper for printing, the client wants to know of the ways to suppress banner pages from printing.

Can there be suppression of the printing of banner pages on reports processed through CA Deliver?


CA View - All Releases
CA Deliver - All Releases


When doing a reprint in View, in the Print Attributes, using "BANNER ==> *" will suppress a banner from being printed. 

. Print Attributes: 
. BANNER ===> * 

If reports come from CA Deliver, there can be a choice to not use banners there as well. 

 . Note: CA Deliver cannot suppress a JES banner poage. 

 . In the Report Definition Attributes, you can define a report with "BANNER ==> *" to not reprint with a banner. 

 . In the Bundle Definition Attributes, there is: 

 . Attributes: 
 . Banner ===> ( xxxxxxxx , xxxxxxxx , xxxxxxxx ) 

 . Here you reference the model bundle, distrubution, and report banners. 
 . Using "*" in a field will suppress the banner. 

For JES banners, banner suppression may be able to take place in:

 . JES exit 1 can be used for banners for standard text reports. 
 . JES exit 23 can be used for banners for AFP reports. 

 . The below link provides more information: