CA Deliver - What is the Hierarchy of Assigning a Destination Value
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CA Deliver - What is the Hierarchy of Assigning a Destination Value


Article ID: 132349


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Deliver View


The problem symptom was that reports were not being directed, by CA Deliver, to their proper destination.

What is CA Deliver's hierarchy of assigning a destination value?


CA Deliver - All Releases


If a report is non-bundled, the DEST assignment hierarchy is: 

. The DEST in the Report Distribution ID specification (next to the OUT field) 
. The DEST in the Distribution ID definition 
. The DEST in the JCL. 

If a report is bundled, the DEST assignment hierarchy is: 

. . The DEST in the BDIST field in the Bundle definition 
. . The DEST in the first Distribution ID encountered (and the DEST used in its definition) 
. . The DEST in the JCL. 

. For a consistent DEST, it is best to specify a BDIST Distribution ID that has a specific DEST.