The "ITL-0002: 'Target Resolution Date' should be same or earlier than 'Impact Date'" risk rule is not respected on the risk list view
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The "ITL-0002: 'Target Resolution Date' should be same or earlier than 'Impact Date'" risk rule is not respected on the risk list view


Article ID: 132339


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


1. Create a project or edit an existing one
2. Go to the Risks/Issues/Changes
3. Create a risk and provide an Impact Date earlier than a Target Resolution Date
   Provide Impact Date as of 5/16/2019
   Provide Target Resolution Date as of 5/17/2019
4. Save the risk.
5. Error is thrown ITL-0002: 'Target Resolution Date' should be same or earlier than 'Impact Date'.
6. Amend the Impact date to be higher (5/18/2019) and save
7. The risk is saved
8. On the Risks list, change the Impact Date again to an earlier date than a Target Resolution Date

Expected results: Coherently with the functionality on the properties view, to get the alert:
ITL-0002: 'Target Resolution Date' should be same or earlier than 'Impact Date'
Actual results: I am able to set an Impact Date earlier than a Target Resolution Date


Release: 15.5, 15.5.1, 15.6, 15.6.1
Component: PPMSTU


This is caused DE49234 


This is fixed in Clarity PPM 15.7

Additional Information

The resolution does not apply to risks or issues that were created prior to the install date of 15.7, but prevents them from going forward. So if you upgraded from a pre-15.7 release, you might still find the issue on a higher release with instances created prior to the upgrade

Please use the following queries to seek out the remaining risks that will continue to have the issue.

install_id, installed_date
from cmn_install_history
where install_id like 'postupgrade::%'
ORDER BY installed_date desc

SELECT, b.code,, a.rim_risk_issue_code,,
a.target_resolution_date, a.impact_date, 
a.created_date, a.last_updated_date
rim_risks_and_issues a,
inv_investments b
WHERE a.pk_id =
AND a.table_name = 'SRM_PROJECTS'
AND a.rim_risk_issue_code LIKE 'RSK%'
AND a.created_date < 'DD-MON-YYYY' --fill in the date of the 15.7 install from the query above
AND a.target_resolution_date > a.impact_date
ORDER BY a.created_date, a.last_updated_date desc