Where is the setting content of [FTP (S) Audit Archiver Properties appear] saved?
Article ID: 132328
Updated On:
CA API Gateway
In the Policy Manager, select [Tasks] > Logging and Auditing > Configure FTP Audit Archiver from the Main Menu (on the browser client, from the Manage menu).
The FTP(S) Audit Archiver Properties appear.
Where is the information set in [FTP (S) Audit Archiver Properties appear] saved? (DB? or file?)
If it is db, which table is it? If it is file. which file is it?
Also, is Password stored encrypted?
Release: Component: APIGTW
Gateway stores the FTP (S) Audit Archiver Properties configuration in DB as a cluster property. Please check cluster_properties table with property key as audit.archiver.ftp.config and complete FTP configuration properties will be in an encoded format as a single value